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Designing Educational


How does this happen? A teaser for MITx course on Negotiations.

A website for Mental Health Short Vids  

Which I made based on psychology articles.

Writing to heal: Study Via Story. Based on research about Expressive Writing. More

How do you overcome a bad past?

The Question Trailer to following video on research about Resiliency by A. Antonovsky, Yale Psychologist. 


What Characteristics make us Resilient?

The Answer. Follow up video on research about Resiliency by A. Antonovsky, Yale. 

Don't Touch: Study Via Story. Based on research about Touch. Learn more

...Need Somebody? Study Via Story. Based on research about Social Support. More


Positive Psychology is defined as "the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play."


In my creative education, I leverage various wellness topics with art and multimedia, with the end goal of making those topics more accessible to the public.


"We aim to make wellness science more accessible, and to bridge between the ivory tower and the main street"

-Tal Ben Shahar, Harvard University. 

Videos, photo-shoots, randomly walking and handing people compliments, or wellness research quotes. I love mixing art with education! Below are some creative projects which began fun and turned meaningful.

HERE'S is something extremely deep...

WHAT BEGAN AS FUN became an #EXPERIMENT in #interaction and #engagement. Creating a #SAFE space --> Being INTRIGUING --> Engaging --> Empowering. The kid feelt like she was PART OF the process and became less scared to INTERACT.


Watch the video on Facebook.


performance and butterflies


"b0dy image to SoUL image" is my first music video!


 Here is what facebookers said. Please Enjoy the resources at the end of video.

This short was screened before my performance at the UNSECO "Fashion of Compassion" Here is what facebookers said.

UNESCO sponsored performance:  BODY DIVERSITY. 


"The World Fashion for Peace Parade is a milestone for the fashion world. Nobody has done something like this before." 
-Huffington Post


World Fashion Parade was endorsed by Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi. Shalhavit’s Performance and Exhibit debuted in Boston and reached NYC as part of opening events to the UN General Assembly. Performing her story of body diversity and self acceptance as a response to body bullying and public dysmorphic perceptions.


Click to view more of my talks on Body Image 

Excerpts from UNESCO’s Fashion for World Peace. I Performed

 & Presented a 50ft photography & poetry exhibit on Body Positivity.


(Entire exhibit "A Visual Journey in Soul Mending" not open yet to the public. Contact me for details.)


WEB design

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I like to bounce and dance while I cycle. I figured that I can share some positive messages – on my bicycle!


Winner of the Film Festival Flicks4Chicks (6/2016) The Different Faces Different Voices all female crew short film Super might.  Lead Actress.        IMDB 

Between academia and business, I allow myself to set my soul free and let my body dance. Here is a performance form the Harvard Masquerade Ball:


Fun fact: I opened my talk at the 100-year celebration keynote, with a belly dance, as it handled woman empowerment and was in the memory of my grandma Ruth, who was a very happy and active person. (video to come)

"Lady". Music Video By Dirty Strange, on the topic of addictions and recovery.


Drag, expand and learn about my designs below!

STIll art

Painting gifts, wedding vows, rocks, calligraphy and other fun things I do. More paintings and still art can be found here.

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Be part of my research improving free and accessible wellness education for youth at risk


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